I talk (rant maybe?) about what I perceive to be wrong with the political system (or any other of my pet peeves) and her first words are "what are you going to do?" It's not that I don't do anything, but the people who know me would no doubt agree with you if you said "he doesn't UNDER analyze things."
For example, I have a small dollar giftcard to TJMaxx and want to get something for my kitchen, which is devoid of many basic kitchen implements. But I'm also trying to embrace minimalism so I want everything I add to my inventory to be suitable for multiple tasks. So, a couple weeks ago I wandered through the store for 45 minutes trying to decide what was the perfect gear to grab. In rare over-analyzing form that evening, I ended up just frustrating myself over the decision and leaving with nothing.
There's a great point in this post 5 Ways to Stop Second Guessing Yourself about how it really didn't matter because "there were never going to be any huge consequences". I should have chosen one of the things I know I need that fit the gift card amount, bought it and been home in time to use it to cook myself a nice little supper. Instead, I did a wishy-washy Charlie Brown act until I couldn't stand it anymore and picked up fast food on the way home. Thinking too much not only made the trip a waste of time, but it also made me less healthy that evening.
There's nothing wrong with thinking, but you have to act on your thoughts or it becomes pointless pondering.
picture by ivan petrov